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Highest Degree Completed: (Required Field) - (Minimum requirement: master's degree)
- Hold the Ctrl key down to select multiple degrees

If applicable, other degree:
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Daytime Contact Phone Number: (Required Field) - (Including area code e.g., (###) ###-####)
Zip Code: (Required Field)
Area of Expertise: (Required Field) - (Please select up to three areas, you cannot select more than three.)

List Specific Courses You Would Like to Teach: (Click here for a list of course descriptions)

Your application will not be considered without the following documentation:
  • Cover letter providing a brief discussion on why you want to teach at SUNY Empire State College
  • Copy of your resume
  • Three (3) professional or academic references (no personal references, please)
  • Unofficial Transcripts of your academic history
Click the BROWSE button to select your file. Do NOT type the filename in the box.
Please submit your attachments in one of the following preferred formats:
Microsoft Word (.doc) - Rich Text Format (.rtf) - PDF (.pdf)
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Upload Copy of Unofficial Transcripts: